Armelio: Roscoe from Huelo, thanks. (6/15/12, 5:29AM)
Armelio: Roscoe, sorry I didn't respond to you sooner, the fish were biting. Thanks for the tips. That info will help fill your coolers. Armelio (6/15/12, 4:45AM)
roscoe: Armelio, Aloha. Found your site while hunting for a lure I lost, a one of a kind. I think you might know which one, a kind of big straight running jet which was great for the short outrigger. A word for your new fishermen; if you have a lure that works real good on your boat and it is a one of a kind lure, make sure to take a picture of it. No matter how hard you try and protect it from onos it will get lost or broken by a big marlin smashing it into the side of your boat. Another tip for new fisherman: make sure to learn how to tie and rig your own lures. On more than one occasion I've had to reskirt a lure on the open ocean because I didn't have duplicates of that color made up and they only were biting that one color. Keep up the good work, keep a tight line, Aloha, Roscoe (6/13/12, 9:20PM)